Welcome to the NJrisk project

NJrisk is a project of the Computational Chemodynamics Laboratory of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, Rutgers University. The project commenced in 2015 and its original prime objective was to to develop, implement, and test through case studies, an integrated tiered system for chemical hazard and exposure characterization to support prioritization of Chemicals of Current and of Emerging Concern. The original phase of the project was pursued in collaboration with researchers from DuPont de Nemours & Co. An update and expansion of the NJrisk system was undertaken starting in 2021, to incorporate new information on chemicals toxicities and exposures. This update and expansion included the development and testing of computational tools (NJrisk Mapper) supporting a geospatial environmental health approach for Exposure-Wide Association Studies (ExWAS) across the 565 New Jersey municipalities.

Primary support for NJrisk has been provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.


Structure and components of the integrated NJrisk system (original phase), that allows easy user access to outcomes derived from combining components of CCL’s MENTOR (Modeling Environment for Total Risk Studies) and PRoTEGE ) Prioritization and Ranking of Toxic Exposures with GIS Extension) platforms with public domain components of DuPont’s METIS (Metamomics Information System, now available through CAt, the Chemical Awareness toolkit) in conjunction with various extant databases that are available from USEPA and other Federal agencies. Currently (2023) the contents of many of the federal databases listed in the above schematic can be accessed through US EPA’s CompTox Dashboard.
(Note: Links to the Dashboard as well as to CAt are provided in the main menu of this website).

Links to NIH Resources:
PubChem Search

Links to USEPA Resources:

Links to CDC Resources:
ATSDR Toxicological Profiles
ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards

Links to Other Federal and State Agency Resources:
OSHA Occupational Chemical Database

Links to International Resources:
OECD eChemPortal

EOHSI is an Institute of Rutgers University Rutgers
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